Wednesday, May 6, 2020

A Plan for Positive Influence on Team Behavior - 1147 Words

A Plan for Positive Influence on Team Behavior The success of a business is contingent on how efficiently the business operates; whereas, the efficiency of the business’s operations depends on the personalities and attitudes of its employees. The personalities and attitudes of an employee can be affected by a number of variables, e.g., the values and vision of the company in which they work. According to Amos and Weathington (2008) â€Å"The concept of P-O fit is important to organizations because it suggests that if people fit well with an organization, they are likely to exhibit more positive attitudes and behaviors.† (P-O) means Person-Organization, which suggests that employees favor a work environment that has attributes associated with†¦show more content†¦70) Individuals with an interactive behavioral style are friendly and outgoing, and excel when accepted and recognized for his or her accomplishments. Individuals with a steadiness behavioral style are slow paced, receptive to others, good listeners, compassionate, and dedicated employees. These types of individuals are balanced, and require concrete information and data. Individuals with a cautious behavioral style are methodical in his or her problem-solving techniques. These individuals prefer to analyze information, and aim for perfection when achieving an objective (Alessandra, n.d.). Using the information from the six assessments can help provide a solid foundation for creating a plan for positive influence. Knowing the values and behaviors of each team member can greatly enhance a team’s capabilities; therefore, enabling the manager, and the team to work effectively together. For example is if employee (A),(B), and (C) were on a team that worked within a business unit for a major oil company. The team’s objective was to locate a new oil well, calculate projected costs for the project, and create a presentation explaining the results. Employee (A) had low job involvement, employee (B) exhibited a steadiness behavior style, and employee (C) had low emotional intelligence. After observing employee (A)’s assessment, management could develop a plan that involves participative management (Robbins Judge, 2007). Management can includeShow MoreRelatedLearning Environment Reflection1466 Words   |  6 Pagesinformation regarding the positive disci pline and behavior management approaches required in any school to achieve a safe and supportive learning environment. This reflection discusses why a principal should maintain a safe and supportive environment and how a school-wide discipline and behavior management influences what happens at the individual classroom level. 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