Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Mother by amy tan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Mother by amy tan - Essay Example The use of English however must be put in context just like Amy Tan narrated when she was delivering a speech as well as communicating with her mother. In everyday communication where we converse with people close to us, there is really no standard of right and wrong English in academic standard. Grammars are not observed and proper syntax can be ignored. Probably the standard of propriety in the use of English language in this context is the degree of respectability and consideration to the person we are communicating with by not using offensive language that could hurt or offend the other person. It is different however when we go out of the comfort of our homes and social circles. Especially in school when we are graded and at work where part of our professionalism depends on how we communicate. There, the standard of proper English becomes stringent and the student and/or professional must be able to communicate it well in accordance to the proper use of the English language. The comfort of the mode of communicating intimate language at home should not be made an excuse for communicating poorly in academic and professional setting. Just like in the case of Amy Tan where she forced herself to learn good English to the point of being a writer, a student must also strive to improve his or her command of English. Understandably, this would not be easy especially if English is not the person’s mother tongue just like the case of Amy Tan’s mother. One must however not pass harshly to Amy Tan’s mother just because she cannot speak straight or proper English. Her inability to speak straight English does not reflect her aptitude. As what Amy Tan has said, she can read and comprehend complex text more than Amy Tan could. And as Amy Tan narrated beautifully at the end of her essay, her language ability â€Å"does not reveal her intent, her passion, her imagery, the rhythms of her

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