Monday, December 30, 2019

Animals and Call Of The Wild - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 2 Words: 458 Downloads: 1 Date added: 2019/08/02 Category Literature Essay Level High school Topics: Call Of The Wild Essay Did you like this example? Some say animals are the companions of humans while others argue they are to be used by humans for food or other purposes.In current society we see ongoing debate about the topic of animals and humans place in society. At this point in time we have people who use animals for purposes of food and hunters LIke myself follow this believing in taking the animal for food that God provided. On the other hand we have groups such as PETA people for the ethical treatment of animals going against hunters and anyone else using animals in any form that may be considered negative.. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Animals and Call Of The Wild" essay for you Create order So in the story The call of the wild we see different approaches to The main character Buck in the story. To begin with in the story Buck a dog and the main character in The call of the wild started off living with Judge Miller where Buck was taken care of. Judge Miller and his family treated Buck as if he was a family dog and they gave him food and all of his accensial needs. He was given everything a dog would need. So we see the treatment of Judge Miller and his family and the love they had for him. We see they treated Buck as a companion to them. Next we see Bucks Treatment after going to Howl Mercedes and Charles. He was abused beaten and starved. They treated Buck and the other dogs as if they were just to be used for profit. Howl Charles and Mercedes Then beat the dogs if they were too weak to work. There was no compassion under them and they had no respect for the dogs. Eventually after all this buck finally found compassion. A man named john thornton found him and treated him with respect. I guess you could call him by the term fair in his ways. Buck was finally treated with care again.n We see the different stages of what Buck went through. He begin in the care of Judge where he was treated good and he was cared for. Then when the new owners got him he was abused mistreated and whipped. He (Buck) went through a big transition from the abuse to then entering into the loving hands of John. These are all the different treatments (Buck) went through. This shows us the difference of actions done between humans with there reactions towards animals. This reveals what one interpretation of the theme of The call of the wild could be. We see the many different treatments of animals come from humans. Some humans are loving to animals while others mistreat animals. Then there are some who have respect for animals but use them for purposes of hunting.

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Personhood the Central Question in Medical Ethics

Personhood: The central question in Medical Ethics A patient is lying on a hospital bed hooked up to several machines regulating his bodily functions. The doctor has informed the family that the patient is brain dead. His spouse makes the decision to pull the plug but his mother argues against it. It is the mothers opinion that her son is still alive, and deserves to be treated like a person, even though his brain is no longer functioning. The spouse holds the opinion that any trace of her loved one has left with the death of his brain and only his body remains. Suddenly, both remember the patients wishes to not be sustained on life support, and they collectively decide to pull the plug. This example illustrates the central debate†¦show more content†¦Once again, the question of whether an individual is a person or not, is central in arguments concerning the ethics of cloning. The issue arises once more in the arguments concerning Euthanasia. Euthanasia, otherwise ter med as â€Å"mercy killing† presents the option of a medical professional assisting a chronically ill, competent patient, in his/her own death. The argument for this is based around the a person’s quality of life. If the patient has no quality of life and is never going to improve, why let them suffer? In order to determine if an individual should be allowed to end their life, we must first determine if this individual can be considered a person. If so, then a person has a right to a good quality of life, and should be allowed to decide if he/she will continue living in misery. If not, then a doctor must do what is medically best, ie: keep the individual alive as long as possible. The same central issue arises in those placed on life support. If a person is purely in the mind/brain, then in regards to a patient who is brain dead, withholding essential medical treatment or to even actively stop the body from functioning could never be considered unethical, in fact, it c ould be considered morally justifiable. If the soul is what makes up the person, then who is to say that the soul leaves the body when the brain stops functioning? The medical professional would then still be morallyShow MoreRelatedPermitting Abortion and Prohibiting Prenatal Harm Essay2987 Words   |  12 Pagesinvolved in permitting abortion while at the same time prohibiting prenatal harm. (1) This contradiction can be stated in personhood terms and in terms of the womans rights. Id like to elucidate that contradiction and examine three solutions which rise out of current literature; Id like then to propose a somewhat new, fourth solution. 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Friday, December 13, 2019

How Alcohol Affects the Family Free Essays

A family is an institution with closely knit members of a household who are related by marriage adoption or by birth. These are people who have a strong relationship mutual concern for each other such that when one gets hurt, the other members also feel hurt. It is in this institution that socialization takes place. We will write a custom essay sample on How Alcohol Affects the Family or any similar topic only for you Order Now A family acts as a shelter for the members because this is where they experience unconditional love. Members do not have to work to earn love or to work for their basic needs to be met. It is a place that members can go back to when all is lost and still be cared for. Democracy is first experienced in the family because every one is listened to and every member works for the best interest of the other. Additionally, members of a family grow according to certain values upheld by the institution and as a result can be said to be very influential to an individuals personality. Therefore every family member has roles and obligations that when disrupted can make a family dysfunctional. Alcohol abuse is one of the factors that causes disruption of the family and threatens its stability. Alcohol abuse has adverse effects on the members in that it deprives them of the basics of the family. This is because most alcohol abusers are violent and often are the ones who initiate fights. The violence when brought home is characterized by such incidences as wife battering, beating of children and financial constrains in the home as and even separation or divorce. Various members of a family can become abusers of alcohol. It can be the mother, the father or even the children. The impact of alcohol abuse usually varies depending on which member is involved. In instances where the parents are involved, the family hurts financially because in most of the cases they are the ones who are bread winners. As mentioned earlier their priorities change and the amount of money that is usually allocated to family consumption, decreases. Financial strain also could set in as a result of the accidents that come with drunkenness e.g. a road accident that occurs because of drunken driving, costs of treatment for a drunken driver who has sustained injuries and compensation for broken crockery and other wares. According to children of alcohol dependent parents are usually anxious and suffer from depression. They also stand a risk of having mental and physical problems. Additionally, they have a very high probability of also becoming addicts of alcohol and other substances or drugs. Statistics have shown that most adolescent alcoholics have parents who are addicted to alcohol. Children from parents who are addicted have a lot of money spent on their health and welfare. This is because they are sometimes subjected to abuse that would warrant their being taken to hospital. Increased health problems of family members create a financial burden to the family up to a level where there no longer exists family cohesion. The role of the parents is also compromised because they get to levels where they cannot instill discipline on their children. Alcohol dependent parents whose cognitive ability has been impaired because of alcohol cannot be at a position to follow up on how their children are doing at home or school and the latter become their own masters. The outcome is children who are delinquent and a threat to security in the society. Further it becomes one factor behind the family disintegrating as they start doing their own things without any guidance. In other cases the alcoholic parents are not able to perform their duties and the children take up their roles. This can get to a level where it gets confusing for the children because they have to take up other roles, i.e. that of being children and that of parents. The family in such an instance becomes dysfunctional because families fail to undertake their obligations of taking charge or leading the family. Children in such a family tend to take up the habit of dealing with issues under the influence of another substance such that they don’t believe that they can make decisions when sober. This can be explained by the fact that children look up to their parents who have a great influence on them. Children regard their parents as heroes and may conclude in their minds that the consumption of alcohol is a heroic gesture thereby admiring it. This may prompt them to try taking the alcohol in secret so that their alcoholic activity starts at a very early age. How to cite How Alcohol Affects the Family, Essays

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Understand The Culture And Business Activities †

Question: Discuss about the Understand The Culture And Business Activities. Answer: The essay talks about the significance of the culture while conducting the business activities and operations at international level. It explains that how culture affects the international business. Thus, the company needs to understand the culture of the different countries to evaluate and measure themarketing strategies and policies of the overseas country. There are various impacts of the culture on the international business. It affects the overall activities of the business adversely. In todays era business activities and operations are affected by the globalization of the economy. Globalization may be defined as a process where the social, cultural and economic activities are carried out across national borders. It is the process which does not bring equal and similar benefits to all the participants. The globalization focuses and monitors of its actions and attitudes in some division of the economic activity and some countries and region rather than acting everywhere. The international business across the world has become easier due to major changes in global politics, technology, educational opportunities. Thus, if the company operates and executes its business at a global level then culture affects the business operation of the firm (Samaha, Beck Palmatier, 2014). The culture is the sum of habits, beliefs, behaviors, and symbols that are crossed from generation to generation. Further, religion, communication, and languages are the elements of the culture which affect the international business. In addition, culture defines is a set of accepted and common rules and norms shared by the society. But in international business, these norms and rules could be quite different and difficult for colleague and employee in the overseas country. The three core areas of international business include communication, organizational hierarchy, and etiquette. Every organization has its different and distinct culture thus, manager and employees should understand and evaluate the organizational culture to develop and build meaningful strategies and policies (Brannen, Piekkari Tietze, 2014). The effective and unique organizational culture helps to increase efficiency and effectiveness across the world. It also helps to overcome on its competitors within the orga nization. An organization cannot use current methods and strategies of their own nation while conducting business at international level. Every region follows different culture, religion, rules, and regulations. When the company starts its business globally then various challenges and obstacles are faced by the company. It can affect the entire business operation of the firm. Further, culture can influence the business activities in different ways. The culture collisions and pricing difficulties arise while conducting business at international business. There are some recommendations have been given which should keep in mind before and during conducting at the global level (Ambos Hkanson, 2014). It is important that the company should inform about the customs and manners of the new culture before entering in the foreign region. The foreign culture differs from the home country thus it affects the business co-operation and activities in the foreign country. The organizational cultur e is significant and vital for the managers and top management which should be considered in the process of intrinsic and extrinsic rewards and feedback. The relation between levels of job satisfaction is the strong and excellent in the UK but it is weak in Japan. In this way, the international managers and top management will find it hard to motivate and encourage staff and employees through incentives and rewards. Sometimes, the companies do not understand the culture of the foreign country thus; the companies are not able to understand the expectations, needs, and requirements of the customers in overseas. They are not able to gain the competitive advantages and other benefits in the market (Poulis, Poulis Plakoyiannaki, 2013). The greater cross-cultural distance and difference in global companies can have negative and adverse effects in a foreign country and it hurts the goodwill and reputation of the country. Thus, the company does not provide satisfaction to the customers in the foreign market. As a result, the company has to bear ample of loss in the foreign market. Thus, the companies need to understand and evaluate the cultural values, rules, policies, and methods of a foreign country to operate and implement business activities effectively and efficiently (Turr, Urbano Peris-Ortiz, 2014). In international business, globalization also affects the business activities and cooperation negatively. Through globalization, the communities are failed to preserve their old custom, culture, and tradition. Thus, it affects the international business processes and policies negatively. Further, local industries could not compete and battle with their universal counterpart across the world. In addition, globalization is responsible to provide good working conditions to the labors but sometimes it is not able to provide such conditions to the employees thus it affects the business activities adversely. Thus, the culture plays a significant role while conducting business cooperation at international level (Turr, Urbano Peris-Ortiz, 2014). The companies need to evaluate the different cultural aspects to run the business smoothly at the global level. They should manage the various cultural differences across the world. The success and growth of the company depend on the culture, values , and customs of the foreign country. The culture plays a significant role to understand and measure the preferences, tastes, and requirements of the customers in the overseas country. It makes easy to adjust its advertising policies, product development, promotions and location of the local community. The culture also plays a vital role in personnel management across the world (Sousa Filipe Lages, 2011). Culture is important to understand themarketing strategy and policies of the foreign country. Through assessment of the cultural differences; the company can fulfill the needs and requirements of the customers in the world. It also helps to gain long-term revenue and profits across the world (Krasnova, Veltri Gnther, 2012). The cross culture is very consequent for the global business. The firms can build and develop effective and unique relations by understanding and evaluating the different countries culture. The company cannot run the business activities in foreign countries wi thout knowing and understanding the culture of different nations (Akaka, Vargo Lusch, 2013). Further, marketing strategies and approaches cannot be done without understanding the culture of the foreign country. On the above discussion, it has been analyzed that culture plays an integral role in international business. The companies must understand and evaluate the cultural differences of the various countries across the world. In this way, the companies can expand and flourish its business at international level. References Akaka, M. A., Vargo, S. L., Lusch, R. F. (2013). The complexity of context: A service ecosystems approach for international marketing.Journal of Marketing Research,21(4), 1-20. Ambos, B., Hkanson, L. (2014). The concept of distance in international management research.Journal of International Management,20(1), 1-7. Brannen, M. Y., Piekkari, R., Tietze, S. (2014). The multifaceted role of language in international business: Unpacking the forms, functions and features of a critical challenge to MNC theory and performance. Krasnova, H., Veltri, N. F., Gnther, O. (2012). Self-disclosure and privacy calculus on social networking sites: The role of culture.Business Information Systems Engineering,4(3), 127-135. Naranjo-Valencia, J. C., Jimnez-Jimnez, D., Sanz-Valle, R. (2011). Innovation or imitation? The role of organizational culture.Management Decision,49(1), 55-72. Poulis, K., Poulis, E., Plakoyiannaki, E. (2013). The role of context in case study selection: An international business perspective.International Business Review,22(1), 304-314. Samaha, S. A., Beck, J. T., Palmatier, R. W. (2014). The role of culture in international relationship marketing.Journal of Marketing,78(5), 78-98. Sousa, C. M., Filipe Lages, L. (2011). The PD scale: a measure of psychic distance and its impact on international marketing strategy.International Marketing Review,28(2), 201-222. Turr, A., Urbano, D., Peris-Ortiz, M. (2014). Culture and innovation: The moderating effect of cultural values on corporate entrepreneurship.Technological Forecasting and Social Change,88, 360-369.